We spent one night in a Manado hotel on the fifth floor with a view of the city’s sea-cured, hardscrabble port. A thousand years of edge-of-the-world commercial and political intrigue. A vital northern gateway to the storied Spice Islands. Broad-bellied, high-prow wooden ships carried rattan and copra, bamboo and swallows’ nests, and certainly concealed illicit cargo. Their sun-burnished crews filled quay cafes with spiced tobacco smoke and bets on mah-jong. Sailors’ appetites tucked into plates piled with Manado’s incendiary seasoned fishes and gamey forest meats traded down from the Minehasa highlands. The men flashed in-port-for-a-night grins at waitresses whose pleasant, modest service was as enduring as the sea. Their genetic inheritance archived a historical record of Chinese traders, Portuguese missionaries, Bugis marauders, English empire-builders, Dayak headhunters, and Dutch dominionists among countless others. To us, it seemed every act in Manado that advised taking a seat occurred in this style of chair.
19.5" wide x 18.5" deep x 42" high
Seat height at 18"
3-Slat or 5-Slat variations.
2202, 2204